Results for 'Eldon Lloyd Stevens'

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  1.  41
    Transformative Change in Western Thought: A History of Metamorphosis from Homer to Hollywood eds. by Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos (review).Benjamin Eldon Stevens - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (3):492-496.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Transformative Change in Western Thought: A History of Metamorphosis from Homer to Hollywood eds. by Ingo Gildenhard and Andrew ZissosBenjamin Eldon StevensIngo Gildenhard and Andrew Zissos, eds. Transformative Change in Western Thought: A History of Metamorphosis from Homer to Hollywood. Oxford: Legenda, 2013. xv + 522 pp. Cloth, $89.50.This volume represents a wide range of approaches to the topic of “metamorphosis.” The topic is obviously quite large; (...)
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    Smell and Sociocultural Value Judgment in Catullus.Benjamin Eldon Stevens - 2016 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (4):465-486.
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    CATULLUS IN BRITAIN - (H.) Stead A Cockney Catullus. The Reception of Catullus in Romantic Britain, 1795–1821. Pp. xvi + 339, ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. Cased, £65, US$110. ISBN: 978-0-19-874488-7. [REVIEW]Benjamin Eldon Stevens - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):84-86.
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    Modal Logics That Are Both Monotone and Antitone: Makinson’s Extension Results and Affinities between Logics.Lloyd Humberstone & Steven T. Kuhn - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (4):515-550.
    A notable early result of David Makinson establishes that every monotone modal logic can be extended to LI, LV, or LF, and every antitone logic can be extended to LN, LV, or LF, where LI, LN, LV, and LF are logics axiomatized, respectively, by the schemas □α↔α, □α↔¬α, □α↔⊤, and □α↔⊥. We investigate logics that are both monotone and antitone (hereafter amphitone). There are exactly three: LV, LF, and the minimum amphitone logic AM axiomatized by the schema □α→□β. These logics, (...)
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    From Persephone 2014.Gwenaëlle Aubry & Benjamin Eldon Stevens - 2018 - Arion 25 (3):161.
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    Catullan studies - Morelli lepos E mores. Una giornata su catullo. Atti Del convegno internazionale cassino, 27 maggio 2010. Pp. 286. Cassino: Edizioni università di cassino, 2012. Paper, €27. Isbn: 978-88-8317-065-2. [REVIEW]Benjamin Eldon Stevens - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (1):119-121.
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    ‘A PHILOLOGY OF WORLDS’ - (R.) Gagné Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece. A Philology of Worlds. Pp. xvi + 553, b/w & colour ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Cased, £90, US$120. ISBN: 978-1-108-83323-3. [REVIEW]Benjamin Eldon Stevens - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):663-665.
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  8. Notes on Some Ideas in Lloyd Humberstone’s Philosophical Applications of Modal Logic.Steven Kuhn & Brian Weatherson - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (1).
    Lloyd Humberstone’s recently published Philosophical Applications of Modal Logic presents a number of new ideas in modal logic as well explication and critique of recent work of many others. We extend some of these ideas and answer some questions that are left open in the book.
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  9. Barrett, Justin L.(2004) Why Would Anyone Believe in God? Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. $19.95, 160 pp. Beckwith, Francis J., William Lane Craig and JP Moreland (2004) To Everyone an Answer: A Case for the Christian Worldview. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, $29.00, 396 pp. [REVIEW]John Dillon, Lloyd P. Gerson, Franklin I. Gamwell, Sohail H. Hashmi, Steven P. Lee, Ruth Illman, Paul D. Janz, John Lachs, D. Micah Hester & Nancy K. Levene - 2005 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 57:217-218.
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  10. Introduction: Contexts for a Comparative Relativism.Casper Bruun Jensen, Barbara Herrnstein Smith, G. E. R. Lloyd, Martin Holbraad, Andreas Roepstorff, Isabelle Stengers, Helen Verran, Steven D. Brown, Brit Ross Winthereik, Marilyn Strathern, Bruce Kapferer, Annemarie Mol, Morten Axel Pedersen, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Matei Candea, Debbora Battaglia & Roy Wagner - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (1):1-12.
    This introduction to the Common Knowledge symposium titled “Comparative Relativism” outlines a variety of intellectual contexts where placing the unlikely companion terms comparison and relativism in conjunction offers analytical purchase. If comparison, in the most general sense, involves the investigation of discrete contexts in order to elucidate their similarities and differences, then relativism, as a tendency, stance, or working method, usually involves the assumption that contexts exhibit, or may exhibit, radically different, incomparable, or incommensurable traits. Comparative studies are required to (...)
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  11.  71
    Lloyd (G.E.R.) Delusions of Invulnerability. Wisdom and Morality in Ancient Greece, China and Today. Pp. 176. London: Duckworth, 2005. Paper, £12.99. ISBN: 978-0-7156-3386-. [REVIEW]Steven Shankman - 2007 - The Classical Review 57 (01):236-.
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    Lloyd Humberstone, Philosophical Applications of Modal Logic[REVIEW]Steven T. Kuhn - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (3):619-623.
    This is a remarkable piece of work—a detailed and imaginative survey of topics in propositional modal logic, broadly construed, that contains new conceptual insights and technical developments on e...
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    Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses (review). [REVIEW]Steven Heine - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):178-180.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western DiscoursesSteven HeineDouble Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses. By Bernard Faure. Translated by Janet Lloyd. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004. Pp. xiv + 174. Hardcover $49.50. Paper $21.95.In some ways, Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses by Bernard Faure seems quite different from other publications by this author, including several books that were also translated from the (...)
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  14.  31
    Husserl's Subjectivism: The "thoroughly peculiar 'forms'" of Consciousness and the Philosophy of Mind.Steven Crowell - 2010 - In Carlo Ierna, Filip Mattens & Hanne Jacobs, Philosophy, Phenomenology, Sciences. Essays in Commemoration of Edmund Husserl. New York: Springer. pp. 363-389.
    In a recent paper1 which critically examines and rejects several suggestions that have been made for “bridging the gap” between Husserl’s phenomenology and neuroscience, Rick Grush concludes on a positive note: It should be obvious enough that while I have been highly critical of van Gelder, Varela and Lloyd, there is a clear sense in which the four of us are on the same team. We all believe that an important source of insights for the task of understanding of (...)
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  15. Sometimes an Orgasm is Just an Orgasm.Erika Lorraine Milam, Gillian R. Brown, Stefan Linquist, Steve Fuller & Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 2006 - Metascience 15 (3):399-435.
    I should like to offer my greatest thanks to Paul Griffiths for providing the opportunity for this exchange, and to commentators Gillian Brown, Steven Fuller, Stefan Linquist, and Erika Milam for their generous and thought-provoking comments. I shall do my best in this space to respond to some of their concerns.
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    Classical Traditions in Science Fiction ed. by Brett M. Rogers and Benjamin Eldon Stevens.Sarah Annes Brown - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (1):131-132.
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    Nonstandard Observers and the Nature of Privacy.Eldon Soifer & David Elliott - 2014 - Social Theory and Practice 40 (2):185-206.
    Observation by nonstandard observers has different implications for privacy than observation by ordinary human beings. This seemingly trivial point yields important insights about privacy. Searching for the characteristic that explains this difference reveals that privacy is importantly related to our interest in how others see us, and the derivative interest in controlling the information upon which others’ perceptions are based. This also casts light on the important relationships between privacy, autonomy, and the development of public personae.
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    Some second thoughts on progressivism and rights.Eldon J. Eisenach - 2012 - Social Philosophy and Policy 29 (2):196-219.
    Research Articles Eldon J. Eisenach, Social Philosophy and Policy, FirstView Article.
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    (1 other version)Mill and the Moral Character of Liberalism.Eldon J. Eisenach (ed.) - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Universally acknowledged for his role in the development of modern liberalism, John Stuart Mill has fallen out of favor with today’s moral and political philosophers who fail to read beyond his works _Utilitarianism_ and_ On Liberty_. This collection of essays seeks to reestablish Mill as an important thinker for our time by stressing the moral basis of liberal democracy in a wide range of his writings These essays examine the full range of Mill’s work—including letters, diaries, and speeches—to show that (...)
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  20.  10
    Narrative Power and Liberal Truth: Hobbes, Locke, Bentham, and Mill.Eldon J. Eisenach - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    Liberal political thought-from its origins in the seventeenth-century through today's rights discourse-is grounded in the ideal of the autonomous individual. As the theory holds, these individuals are 'born in freedom' from religious, political, social or economic obligations and then construct these systems through individual and collective choices. Over the past thirty years, however, this understanding of freedom has been challenged from a variety of perspectives. Eldon J. Eisenach has been at the forefront of that challenge, stressing the centrality of (...)
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  21. Hypocrisy and Consequentialism.Eldon Soifer & Béla Szabados - 1998 - Utilitas 10 (2):168.
    Consequentialism has trouble explaining why hypocrisy is a term of moral condem-nation, largely because hypocrites often try to deceive others about their own selfishness through the useof words or deeds which themselves have good consequences. We argue that consequentialist attempts to deal with the problem by separating the evaluation of agent and action, or by the directevaluation of dispositions, or by focusing on long-term consequences such as reliability and erosion of trust, all prove inadequate to the challenge. We go on (...)
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  22.  99
    Self-Reform as Political Reform in the Writings of John Stuart Mill.Eldon J. Eisenach - 1989 - Utilitas 1 (2):242-258.
    Students of Mill's political theory know that he was both a political reformer and a social philosopher. An important part of Mill's life involved political struggles over the electoral franchise and schemes of parliamentary representation, the legal and social emancipation of women, land law and economic policy, and freedom of speech and the press. When turning to his best known writings such asOn Liberty, Considerations on Representative Government, Principles of Political EconomyandThe Subjection of Women, issues of reform intrude at almost (...)
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  23. Hobbes on Church, State and Religion.Eldon J. Eisenach - 1982 - History of Political Thought 3 (2):215-243.
  24.  8
    Ethical Issues: Perspectives for Canadians.Eldon Soifer - 1992
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    (1 other version)Book in Review.Eldon Eisenach - 1997 - Political Theory 25 (5):761-765.
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    (1 other version)Books in Review.Eldon J. Eisenach - 1982 - Political Theory 10 (3):481-484.
  27.  20
    Crime, Death and Loyalty in English Liberalism.Eldon J. Eisenach - 1978 - Political Theory 6 (2):213-232.
  28.  40
    Can Liberalism Still Tell Powerful Stories?1.Eldon J. Eisenach - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (1):47-71.
    The need of reason is not inspired by the quest for truth but by the quest for meaning. And truth and meaning are not the same. The basic fallacy, taking precedence over all specific metaphysical fallacies, is to interpret meaning on the model of truth. (Hanna Arendt, The Life of the Mind: Thinking)2 The problem of agency in liberal political thought begins when dictates of reason grounded in philosophical truth become separated from motivations premised on desires and appetites articulated in (...)
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  29.  16
    On Reducing Hobbes.Eldon Eisenach - 1989 - Political Theory 17 (1):131-140.
  30.  51
    Progressivism as a national narrative in biblical-Hegelian time.Eldon J. Eisenach - 2007 - Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (1):55-83.
    Progressive intellectuals at the turn of the last century founded the modern American university, created its disciplines and edited the journals that codified their thoughts. They created the ligaments of the national administrative and regulatory state; they helped legitimate the creation of a national financial and industrial corporate economy. Through the writings of Lyman Abbott, Albion Small, and Simon Patten, three features of progressive thought are underlined: the primacy of a narrative, their hostility to “principled” or abstract-philosophical forms of political (...)
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  31.  12
    Two Worlds of Liberalism: Religion and Politics in Hobbes, Locke, and Mill.Eldon J. Eisenach - 1981 - University of Chicago Press.
  32. Junla: The First Woman Apostle.Eldon Jay Epp - 2005
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  33. New Testament Textual Criticism: Its Significance for Exegesis: Essays in Honour of Bruce M. Metzger.Eldon Jay Epp & Gordon D. Fee - 1981
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  34. The New Testament and Its Modern Interpreters.Eldon Jay Epp & George W. MacRae - 1989
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  35.  17
    Mundo da vida e educação: racionalidade e normatividade.Eldon Henrique Mühl - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (2):97.
    Habermas passa a atribuir, a partir de 1990, um papel central ao mundo da vida que, como fonte da racionalidade comunicativa, é capaz de se opor ao processo de dominação sistêmica e manter a autonomia dos indivíduos. O texto explicita os argumentos que levam Habermas a considerar a espontaneidade do mundo da vida como fonte que assegura a validade cognitiva e normativa das ações dos indivíduos em interação e avalia o potencial crítico desse posicionamento na educação. A ideia orientadora é (...)
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  36.  39
    The legitimation of modern american architecture.Eldon L. Modisette - 1962 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 20 (3):251-261.
  37.  29
    Animal hybrids and progressive breeding.Eldon Moore - 1930 - The Eugenics Review 21 (4):271.
  38.  23
    Eugenic aspects of the Colwyn report.Eldon Moore - 1927 - The Eugenics Review 19 (1):38.
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    Our national burden of mental deficiency.Eldon Moore - 1929 - The Eugenics Review 21 (2):117.
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    1.—Population problems: An interim survey of the international population assembly.Eldon Moore - 1931 - The Eugenics Review 23 (2):137.
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    Social progress and racial decline.Eldon Moore - 1926 - The Eugenics Review 18 (2):124.
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    The human blood-groups: A survey of their nature and inheritance.Eldon Moore - 1929 - The Eugenics Review 21 (3):197.
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    Ethical Issues, Second Edition: Perspectives for Canadians.Eldon Soifer (ed.) - 1996 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    For the second edition this popular collection on contemporary ethical issues has been expanded to nine sections. Abortion and euthanasia are now given expanded coverage, and there are new sections as well on assisted reproduction and commodification, and on ethics and the use of violence. The book is primarily composed of pieces by philosophers, chosen both for their intrinsic value and for their accessibility to students. But where relevant the collection also includes legal documents and non-philosophical writings that help to (...)
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  44.  15
    Hypocricy and Privacy.Eldon Soifer & BĂŠla Szabados - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Research 27:601-618.
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    Hypocricy and Privacy.Eldon Soifer & Béla Szabados - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Research 27:601-618.
    Hypocrisy and privacy are commonly thought to be completely different, yet it turns out to be surprisingly difficult to distinguish them. We consider various ways in which they might be differentiated, especially the attempt to do so on the basis of their moral standing. We argue, by case and through discussion, that there is more moral ambiguity about each concept than generally acknowledged. Finally, we offer some additional speculations about the similarities and differences between the two, with a view to (...)
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    James Stacey Taylor, ed., The Metaphysics and Ethics of Death. Reviewed by.Eldon Soifer - 2017 - Philosophy in Review 37 (2):83-87.
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  47. Mark Thornton, Do We Have Free Will? Reviewed by.Eldon Soifer - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (6):432-433.
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  48. Right-Based Utilitarianism.Eldon Soifer - 1988 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;In this thesis, I begin with some of the key assumptions of utilitarianism and argue that even in its own terms utilitarianism is in need of considerable revision. This is largely because its two central tenets come into conflict with each other in some cases. I argue that utilitarianism is in need of a fuller account of equality than it has traditionally employed, and that such an improved conception (...)
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  49. Susan E. Babbitt, Impossible Dreams: Rationality, Integrity, and Moral Imagination Reviewed by.Eldon Soifer - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16 (5):309-312.
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    (1 other version)Modern France.Eldon M. Talley - 1952 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 27 (1):150-150.
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